Lucy J. Park
Lucy Park is from South Korea. She came to the US when she was thirteen years old, in 2003. She discovered her talent for creating and drawing at an early age. She has done various crafts and produced great works creatively to gain knowledge and artistic techniques. She usually deals with nature as a theme and tries to talk about how beautiful and powerful it is. Sometimes her work presents tragedies and global issues, such as social, political, and environmental problems, aiming to show the causes and how they have negative effects on the target. She also loves to make fantasy imageries, collaborating nature and the human figure with different types of clay. She believes art is another language in humankind. She creates her art to communicate with viewers visually and to develop a bond of sympathy. She started her career as an artist in the Junior Exhibition at Delaware Art Museum in 2006. When she was a senior in high school in 2009, she was selected for a mural painting on the school building in Thomas McKean High School, Wilmington, DE. During her college year at the University of Delaware, she started focusing on the ceramics/pottery field
Summary for people who don't like reading: She makes a lot of things with various mediums