Since my first Kaonashi(No-Face) hideout mold is getting old already due to many uses, I'm making another plaster mold.
Then I was thinking "I don't feel like making mold every time I need a new one. This is just taking too much time."
SO! I decided to make da master mold..!!

After making this new plaster mold of Kaonashi hideout, I had to coat the whole surface with soap for easy release from the silicone mold.

This is 1:1 soap to water solution in my SAK-SOON Bakery bottle I used for the pudding I make lol. I don't make puddings anymore :(

Generously coated the plaster mold with the soap solution twice. And let it dry overnight.
If you drop water on it, the plaster mold wouldn't absorb water. That means the mold is ready for the next step.

I used my cottle boards for this process. I've seen other people using new wooden planks and drilled into each other to make a box for the silicone mold. I also should have done that...(you will see why I'm saying this later).

This silicone thing is very expansive -cries inside- but it's good to have the master mold for the long run.

There was a little leak at the one bottom corner, but I blocked it right away with the clay.

24 hours later..
And here's my first master mold!
I didn't put enough release agent before pouring the silicone and I couldn't get it out from the cottle boards and the bottom part. I spent one hour trying to get it out with all the muscle I have... but then I realized that I don't have any muscle. I had to ask my dad for the manpower lol.

RIP cottle board. It was attached to the bottom wooden board. I learned my lesson here. Always apply the release agent EVERYWHERE.

I trimmed the top part and cleaned it with a wet paper towel.

Wow, I never knew it would be so hard to take the plaster mold out of the silicone mold. I spent 45min to take out this dam thing with my muscleless arms lol. I was so sweaty and exhausted. I ended up getting sore arms the next day.

Cleaning was pretty easy. Just leave everything there until the silicone cures. It comes right off the spatula and the bucket pretty easily.

It's actually very satisfying.

This reminds me of the day when I had a severe sunburn when I was in 4th grade in elementary school:
My class and I went on a field trip to the water park. It was fun doing many activities with my classmates at the pool. On the way back home, my body was so hot and I was in so much pain while other kids were still happy and energetic on the bus. When I finally got home, my skin started bubbling up, and then my whole body, from the forehead to feet, was fully covered in blisters. They popped and water from blisters dripped down even when I touched them slightly. I thought my life was over at that moment. A week later, my skin peeled off just like that silicone in the bucket. The end.

Making the second part was much easier. I applied a lot more of the release agent on all the surfaces. Aha! Everything was very greasy like my face skin on a hot summer day with make-up on.

I made the wall a little thinner this time but it wasn't a good idea. When I pour plaster into the silicone mold, plaster pushes the wall outward, so it doesn't stay in shape. This is why I needed to make a box for each silicone mold...

Welp, I tested the master mold and it came out really nice! I'm glad my very first master mold came out successful. I can't wait for them to dry completely because I'm using a different brand of plaster that I haven't used before. I also need to test out this new plaster. Experimenting with new material is always exciting and fun!